ANOTHER Mission Glitch!

Club Penguin!  You have TOO many glitches!  Today, after I posted the Club Penguin Mission Glitch, my author, Coolman12743 showed me yet another picture of a mission glitch! It is a similar problem to the one I posted earlier but it looks even MORE messed up!
The original glitch took place in the mission "Waddle Squad" and this glitch happened in Aunt Arctic's mission!  It's strange because every day, Club Penguin has more and more glitches that are found!  This is a very odd glitch, because it's not like this could easily just happen.  Something Club Penguin did lately must have messed up a lot of their game code, or something!  What do you think of these glitches?


Club Penguin Mission Glitch!

Today, I wanted to play a Club Penguin mission, so I decided to go into the VR room and play one.  However, when I started the mission, before I had even clicked anything, this is what showed up:
It had some strange target vision and a speech bubble was stuck in the corner!  The strange part was, I couldn't click on anything except the map.  So, I decided to go to other places to see if this bug followed me...
This strange vision followed me everywhere I went!  This is strange, because this is the second time in two weeks that this glitch has happened to me.  Has this ever happened to you?  Why do you think this happens? I hope Club Penguin fixes this glitch soon!


Playercard "?" Button REAL Meaning!

On many blogs, you will see a picture that looks something like this:

Many blogs claim that this is an exclusive and it is an update coming to Club Penguin playercards soon. This is NOT TRUE.  I know the REAL meaning of what this is!

What happens is, people find something in Club Penguin's files, and, without doing any research whatsoever they post it thinking it's an exclusive update coming soon.  Usually, they're right!  But, this time, they are NOT.  The real meaning of this "?" button is NOT an update coming soon.  It has been here forever, or, if not, it has been there for at least a year.  It is something that ONLY Club Penguin MODERATORS can see.  It comes up whenever they click on any of our playercards.  When they click on it, it shows our penguin's history!  Such as how many times we have been banned (which is hopefully none, for you!) and how old we are, etc.  I am 100% positive that this is not an update coming soon, so do not believe what you hear.  A lot of people didn't realize what this meant and assumed it was an update, but it's not, but I don't blame whoever did that.  I usually would've, too!  Remember, this IS the truth! ;-]

If you're going to post this, please give us proper credit by linking to us. Thanks!


Pet Shop Construction Begins!

Club Penguin has started to completely redesign the Pet Shop!  You can head over to the Plaza, where you'll notice some updates:
Now, head inside the Pet Shop and you'll see it's TOTALLY under construction!
Awesome!  It looks like it's going to look totally new and awesome!  You might notice the blue and green sign, with an orange puffle on top of it.  When you click it, this comes up:
It shows a rough design of the new puffle playercards which will be released sometime in March!  Awesome!

I can't wait to see the new Pet Shop's design, can you?


New Club Penguin EPF Message from Rookie

Today I recieved a new EPF Message on my Club Penguin Spy Phone from Rookie. Here's what he said:

"Umm... right back at ya, Klutzy. I think."
Hmm... I think Rookie just wasted our time a bit with this message. He doesn't even know what Klutzy said in the previous message. What do you think Klutzy said? Let us know by commenting.

-1candy0, Club Penguin Agents Author

Slidoo's HUGE Club Penguin Party!

Last month, Slidoo and Pochoma123 hosted one of the biggest Club Penguin parties of the month!  Today, a new theme, header, navbar, new widgets, AND new pages launched on Club Penguin Agents.  To top it all off, we're going to have a HUGE party on Club Penguin!  Here is the party invitation:

Time chart:
1:00 PM Pacific Standard Time
1:00 PM Penguin Standard Time
4:00 PM Eastern Standard Time
3:00 PM Central Standard Time
9:00 PM British Standard Time
6:00 AM Australia (Sunday Morning)

Once again, I apologize to the people in Australia who have the party at such an early time.  The party is going to be a LOT of fun, and there will be a Coin Code giveaway after the party, IF the room is FULL at the beginning of the party.  Also, if you have a Twitter account you can CLICK HERE to let everyone know that you're a V.I.P. to Slidoo's party. THEN, comment by CLICKING HERE telling me your email address, penguin name, and Twitter name.  Now, you're an official V.I.P!  Why become a V.I.P. you ask?  I will be giving a Card-Jitsu Code, *MAYBE* a Coin Code, and *MAYBE* another Card-Jitsu Code, ONLY to random V.I.Ps!  

The party is going to be 45-60 minutes of non-stop fun on Club Penguin, so make sure you come!  Remember to go early, in case it's full!  Spread the word, because as I already mentioned, I will post a Coin Code on my website if the room is completely full for both non member AND member penguins!  

I hope to see you at the party, and I strongly suggest becoming a V.I.P. to the party!

Waddle on!

New EPF Message... From Klutzy?

Yes, it is true!  Klutzy the crab has just sent all EPF agents a message on our spy phones!  Here is the message:
If you cannot read it, it says "Click clicky click click. D= Click clickety click click. Q_Q Click click ka-click! ^_^" Hmm... No one is really sure what this means... But, he's using lots of emotes that look like he's warning us of something! Could Klutzy be coming to our side? Is he jealous of Herbert working with the Protobot? Or, is this all a trap? OR did I COMPLETELY misread this message!?

Maybe we should use the crab translator, from the mission, "Questions for a crab"!


Club Penguin French Server Names Error

Today, Lordmaster96 spotted a very unusual glitch which involves the French server “Crème Glacée”. The server name comes up differently on the server list page and on the loading page – check it out:

This glitch is weird, because it shows the letters in Crème Glacée as symbols which look a little bit like the letters. Hopefully Club Penguin will have this error fixed soon. 

-1candy0, Club Penguin Agents Author.

Reviewed By You: Puffle Jokes!

Alright! My favorite, Reviewed By You is here! =D So anyways, last week CP asked us what food we'd like to see Puffles eat in the future, and here's what, Bebolebo said!
"Here's my suggestion: We should be able to buy a BERRY BUSH like the puffles would see in the wild. Then we could put it in the middle of our igloo and the puffles could all eat of it until the berries are all gone."

Wow! Good idea! I think that would be really cool to buy a Berry Bush and let the puffles eat off it until it's gone...Maybe CP will reconsider it!
So for this weeks RBY, CP wants to hear our favorite Puffle or pet joke.

Well that's all for now! ;-)
-Coolman12743 CPA Author Follow me on Twitter!

Happy77 Talks to Slidoo About Super Exclusive Puffle Interactions!

Last week Club Penguin told us that soon, we'd be able to interact with our puffles up close.  Well, today, the REAL Club Penguin moderator, Happy77, commented on my blog talking to me about an AWESOME new sneak peek!  Take a look:

Awesome!!  Thanks Happy77 for sharing this sneak peek!  It looks like interacting with our puffles will be a LOT of fun.  What kinds of things do you think we'll be able to do?


System Defender Klutzy Level

June17 here! CP has released a new level for System Defender yesterday. With that is the new Klutzy stamp and to get it, you will to beat the level. He was not trying to really attack the mainframe, he just thought it was a computer game :PWhen you finish the level, you can play it again at the "Advanced" section at the beginning of the game. The challenge level is 54/100 which is stronger than Herbert's attack. Right now there is bug where when you replay the game you get the dialogue and same bots as the Protobot level.Now here is the stamp you when you beat the level:
So, what do you think about the new Klutzy level? Is it too

-June17, Club Penguin Agents Author

Club Penguin Gold Viking Helmet Cheat!

Hello Penguins,

Today, I have found one of the most exclusive item ever on Club Penguin in the Costume Trunk catalog! A lot of penguins have been trying to get this item for a long time! So you want to know how to get it? Ok, follow the instructions below:

First, go to page three of the Costume Trunk catalog, and click the pink Viking Helmet in the "Haunting of the Viking Helmet Logo". The red viking helmet should come up. Close it, and click the small viking helmet again. Do this 4 times.

Now, when the blue viking helmet hidden item comes up on your screen, don't close it. Now, you should click Helga's Helmet!

Congratulations! You now should have this screen come up:

After you click buy, you now have the very rare, gold viking helmet, which only comes around every 2 years or so. You don't want to miss this amazing opportunity! What do you think of this? Comment on your thoughts!
~Penian4, Club Penguin Agents Author

EPF Message from Agent Rookie!

Attention agents - This is URGENT!  Rookie has just sent us a message on our Spy Phones.  Here is the message:
If you can't read it, it says "AHH! Help! System Defender! Alert! Attacking! Bugs! Red Alert! All hands on deck! Scramble! Move in! Hurry! Gadzooks!"  Rookie's panicing, so get over there and start helping!  Try the NEW System Defender level to keep Club Penguin safe!

Thanks for the update, Rookie! ;-]


Club Penguin Black Puffle Pin Cheat!

Today, Club Penguin has released not one, not two, but THREE new pins!  The final pin is the Black Puffle Pin and is at the Recycling Room.
Just walk up to it to pick it up and it will be added to your inventory!  What do you think of this new pin?


Club Penguin Newspaper Issue 280 Released!

Hello Penguins,

Today, I was waddling around the island of Club Penguin and I noticed the "New" symbol on the the newspaper icon! I clicked it and found the Club Penguin Times Issue #280. It talks about the Puffle Party, wigs, and more! Take a look at the feature story:

Upcoming Events
Pretty awesome newpaper, don't you think? Do you think there is going to be a new wig catalog? What do you think of the new newspaper? I like it! Can't wait for the new catalogs in March! Comment on your thoughts!

~Penian4, Club Penguin Agents Author

Club Penguin Green Puffle Pin Cheat

Hello Penguins,

Today I was going to the Dojo to play some Card Jitsu and noticed a new Green Puffle pin! I thought the puffle party would end today, but it looks like it's staying for a bit longer, since they have a puffle pin, which they usually don't. Anyway, take a look at this pin:

Cool! There are now two pins, the Viking Boat Pin at the Stage, and this one at the Dojo! Maybe because the Viking boat pin is one of those special hidden ones, except the one at the stage isn't exactly hidden! Lol! Comment on your thoughts!
~Penian4, Club Penguin Agents Author

Club Penguin Viking Boat Pin Cheat

Hello Penguins,

Todays Thursday! Which means... New Pin! You might have seen this pin in one of the Previous reviewed by you's on the What's New Blog! It is the Viking boat pin, which got the most votes on the poll! It is located at the Stage, where the Haunting of the Viking Opera is playing!

Cool! I like this new pin, though I would have liked a Viking Hat pin better, but I still like this one! It matches the play too! What do you think of the new play? I like the pin and the play! Comment on your thoughts!

~Penian4, Club Penguin Agents Author

Club Penguin Haunting Of the Viking Opera Cheats!

Hello Penguins,

Today Club Penguin released a new play at the stage! It is called Haunting of the Viking Opera! I really like this play! It's about the Viking Opera, as you can tell by the Title! It has a lot of cool features in the Switchbox 3000! Take a look:
Awesome! As you can see, there is also a new pin in this play! At the far right it has the new pin! So what do you think of the new play? Take a look at the costume trunk catalog cheats!
Red Viking Helmet - Page 3
Blue Viking Helmet - Page 3
Awesome! I love the new play and catalog! I thought they might bring the Golden Viking Helmet back, but it doesn't look like they did! What do you think of the new play? Comment on your thoughts!
~Penian4 Club Penguin Agents Author

SUPER EXCLUSIVE: Herbert Destroying the Lighthouse?

Today, my awesome friend named Danpengui gave me an amazing SUPER EXCLUSIVE of a message coming to the end of an upcoming Field-Op.  It talks about Herbert destroying the Lighthouse!  Take a look:
Strucking the Lighthouse!? Bringing the drill!? Oh no... not THIS again!
Is Herbert planning on bringing that giant drill back to the island? And, why is he targeting the Lighthouse?

Judging by the message we got from the Protobot today, I have a feeling that the Protobot will be helping Herbert and Klutzy on this one.  What about you?


New EPF Message from the Probot!

Attention agents!  The Probot has contacted all EPF agents from our spy phones - Him and Herbert are planning SOMETHING BIG!  Here is the new message.
If you cannot read it, it says "Attention EPF. The polar bear and I have only begun our master plan. Once I have my core circuits, we will crush you. Resistance is pointless." 

Well.. I think that Herbert and the Probot are a bit foolish themselves, if they're telling us that they're going to attack us!  It doesn't sound like a very good plan, because they're giving us warnings so we'll be ready? And WE'RE the Elite Penguin Fools? Nice try Herbert and Probot, but we're ready for what you've got!  I'm also wondering... How are the bad guys even sending us messages? Why is Gary allowing it?

What do you think the Probot and Herbert are up to this time?


The Future of Puffles!

Today, Billybob made a new post on the What's New blog!  It's about the future of puffles - what's coming next?
Coming in the next year, we will be able to buy NEW food, interact with our puffles up close, and play the NEW Puffle Launch game, coming soon!  I can't wait for these puffle updates!  Can you?


SUPER EXCLUSIVE - Club Penguin Improvement Project COMING BACK!??

WOAH! My friend Ivan30660 sent me an AMAZING exclusive!  So, I'm not sure if you were around for the Club Penguin Improvement Project.  A few years ago it was open to special penguins who found it, to help make Club Penguin better!  Anyways, the CPIP has been closed for years, but rumours have been spreading that it is returning to the island some time soon!  So, today Ivan showed me this amazing exclusive of something that Club Penguin is secretly hiding!  When I went to what he showed me, I saw the CPIP door... only it DIDN'T have the special note on it, saying it was closed!
I clicked on the Eye Scan 3000... and it WORKED! The door OPENED!
The buttons no longer work, because they just bring you to the screen that says they are closed!  This might seem like old news, but why would Club Penguin be keeping these files around, for no reason?  The sign on the door also says it's closed FOR NOW.  

Then, however, I clicked on the button to read the CPIP blog.  Not much appeared, but my internet browser DID tell me that Club Penguin UPDATED the CPIP blog, TWO DAYS AGO!  This might be leading to something BIG, or it could be just to throw us off.  However, I think this might be a sign of something!

When I looked into this further, I actually found some more secret pages!  When you click on the "Report a bug" or the Server Test thing, it quickly, in one MILLISECOND, flashes a secret page.  They clearly DON'T want us to see these pages, but they aren't deleting them because they know they might come back in the future!  Here's the first page, it doesn't say much...
"Keep checking the blog and the Club Penguin Improvement Project home page for updates." it says.  Hmm... this is a sign that it might be returning!  Here's the other page, which has a bit more to it:
It's the report a bug page!  If the Club Penguin Improvement Project actually wasn't coming back, Club Penguin would've just deleted these pages, because there'd be no need for them to be clogging up their files!  What do you think Club Penguin is planning!?  I think they're working on something BIG.  How about you?


Introducing Penian4!

Hello Penguins,

It's Penian4 writing! I'm a new author on Slidoo's Club Penguin Agents! And I thought it would be good for you guys to know a little more about me! Below you will find a lot of interesting stuff you didn't know about me! So what are you waiting for? Take a look:
Hello, I’m Penian4 I love Club Penguin and I have always wanted to make a CP blog! I am an experienced wordpress blogger that has been blogging for over a year. I live in ON, Canada. Im am a non-member and my favourite servers are Sasquatch, Sherbet, and Thermal. I am a boy. I have the game Club Penguin Elite Force and Herbert’s Revenge. I want to get Club Penguin Game day. Blogging is one of my favourite things!
How I became famous on club penguin…
I started Blogging at Google Sites with Yellowi4! Our Blog was called Club Penguin News Board! After we found out about blogger, we definitely switched to blogger. ! After I started Blogging by myself at Blogger I made a Website called Penguin Lodge. I had to keep recreating my blog because it kept getting ”unfound” for some reason! Then I quit blogging because all of the blogs I made got deleted. Then, I heard about I got an account (I thought blogger was going to be better). After a while I made a site with WordPress! I soon figured was better than blogger (in my opinion). In November I received my very FIRST comment. And then, my sister Yellowi4 suggested we make a blog together! But she quit after a few months, but I kept on going. After I lot of months of working on, I decided stop dreaming, and I built op the confidence to get a self-hosted blog. I don't have much to tell about that blog yet, but believe that it is going to be a success, after years. And now I work for ClubPenguinAgents too! 
I hope that helped everyone learn more about me! And just a little bit more about me is that I like to post the updates that come out on Thursday the most! Especially the catalogs and newspapers. I'm really good at those! I',m really excited to work for Club Penguin Agents! Comment on your thoughts.

Non Members Going Into Members Only Rooms!

First off, I'd like to give credit to Riffy8888 for posting this glitch first.  This is such a COOL glitch - Non Members, you can go into the Rooftop OR the Puffle Show!  Even though these rooms are for members only, it's easy to get into them and it's NOT hacking, it's just a Club Penguin mess up! AGAIN!

If you want to go to the Rooftop, on your NON MEMBER penguin, just CLICK HERE and then log into a non-member penguin.  Then, you'll appear on the Rooftop!

If you want to go to the Puffle Show, on your NON MEMBER penguin, CLICK HERE and then log into a non member penguin!  You'll appear in the Puffle Show!
This is a really neat glitch, in my opinion!  Make sure you try it out fast, before Club Penguin notices it and fixes it!


We Met DJ Cadence! Cadence Brings "LOLZ" to Club Penguin!

Hey penguins!  Today, tracking began on our DJ Cadence Tracker 2011!  It was a HUGE hit, with over 40 penguins online tracking at once!  We were told to be the #1 Cadence tracker of the day, and we found her over 15 times within 1 and a half hours!  Here is a picture of us and her:
As you can see from that picture, she says she has a puffle named "Lolz"!  So, I clicked on her player card, and it's true!
As you can see, she has a purple puffle which she calls "Lolz"!  I think it's great that CJ Cadence is showing support for puffles and the Puffle Party 2011, and I hope she continues to bring her puffle to Club Penguin in the future!

I'd like to thank everyone who helped my tracker today, too!  It's the first time in almost 2 years that I have ever got more than 10 penguins on my tracker, tracking!  Here is some of the awesome feedback I received from my tracker today:

"Go and find Candence with the most accurated tracker by @Slidoo"

"Ur tracker ROCKS!!!"

"Stay with Slidoo, and you are GUARANTEED to find her. I found her and left, and got back IN!"

"Slidoo's Tracker is #1 :D If you REALLY want to Find Cadence, go to Slidoo's. All these locations are mostly from his tracker :D WOOT!"

"Boom! I Just Got Cadence's Stamp Thanks To @Slidoo :D"

"Slidoo is the #1 tracker as of RIGHT NOW! We have found Cadence about 5 times in last 5 minutes :) I just got her stamp, and got in again!"

"Congrats Slidoo! Your Tracker is EPIC! :D"

There was even more positive feedback not mentioned!  Thank you to everyone who used the tracker, I'm glad we could help you find DJ Cadence!  Hopefully the DJ Cadence Tracker will be as successful for the rest of Cadence's visit!


New EPF Message From Herbert

June17 here! Herbert sent us another message that reply to Gary's message. It says:

I helped you, but that doesn't mean we're friends. Warm up the island, end your noisy parties and maybe I'll consider adding you to my buddy list.
What do you think? Will the EPF catch Herbert soon or will he turn friendly. I hope so!

-June17, Club Penguin Agents Author

Puffle Party 2011 ULTIMATE Guide!

The Puffle Party 2011 is here!  The party is pretty cool, but it's a bit too similar to previous years.

This post will be divided into 3 parts.

1. Themed rooms
2. Bonus Events
3. Free items

First, let's start with the themed rooms.  Here are some of the themed rooms, for the specific puffle colour:
Here are the locations:

Brown Puffle: Nightclub Lounge
Pink Puffle: Iceberg
Black Puffle: Underground Pool
Green Puffle: Lighthouse Beacon
Orange Puffle: Box Dimension (Get there from the portal box at the Beach)
Red Puffle: Cove
Blue Puffle: Forest
Purple Puffle: Nightclub
White Puffle: Mine Shack
Yellow Puffle: Lighthouse

Now, let's move on to the themed rooms for ALL puffles.  My favourite one is the Beach, which is decorated for every colour of puffle!
There is also a portal box in this room which takes you to the magical Cookie Land!  Also known as the Orange Puffle room ;-]
Now, let's go on to the Special Events.

Bonus/Special Events:
In this Puffle Party, there are two big events.  The first, is the Nightclub Roof!  You can access it by going to the Nightclub, then up the stairs to the Nightclub Lounge.  Now, you'll see this door:
Now walk through it, and you'll be on the Nightclub Roof!
Yay! Also, DJ Cadence will be making some appearances here, so stay tuned for an awesome Cadence tracker!

The next event is the Puffle Show.  To get there, go to the Ski Village and you'll see this entrance:
Now, walk through it and you'll be in the Puffle Show!
You can enter your puffle in an obstacle course or get them groomed, or even enter them in a judged show!

There are two free items in this party.  The first is located at the Plaza.

It's the Blue Puffle Cap!  Walk up to it to pick it up!
The second free item is for members only, and is located at the Puffle Show.  For more information on how to get to this Puffle Show, go up to the second category of the post.  Once you're there, you'll see the free jacket!
Just simply walk up to it, like you do for all items, and it'll be added to your inventory so you can put it on!
Well, that wraps up the Puffle Party 2011!  We here at CPA will be starting to track DJ Cadence, LIVE, tomorrow!  We hope this guide helped you get through this awesome party!

Follow me on Twitter!