Spy Phone Message From G

Hey Penguins!

Agents should check their Spy Phones because G has sent a new message - 

The message says - "Herbert and Protobot have gone quiet again. This is a good opportunity to prepare. Next week, I'll start by explaining more about classes."

What do you think these classes are? Maybe for each class, if you have all the EPF Gear for that class then maybe you get a special mission. This is what I think the classes will be like. What do you think the classes will be like?

- Dj Wazzer, Club Penguin Agents author

Club Penguin Times Issue #289

June17 here! A brand new issue of the Club Penguin Times is here for the week with their 289th issue! The topics featured in the newspaper is about the new upcoming Medieval themed Penguin Style and the new game Stamps.

Gary, our favorite inventor is teaming up with clothing designers to make the new costumes for the upcoming Medieval Party starting on May 20! Gary will unfortunately not be coming to the party because rumours say that he`s working on a three-way project(hmmm...). Gary said he wanted to make the costumes just right and one designer said Gary was very helpful. Look out for the Penguin Style on May 6!!Yesterday, CP released new stamps for Ice Fishing and Pizzatron 3000! There are a total of 10 stamps for each game making gamers very busy. One pizza chief wanted to get the fantastic stamp-Pizza Master. Make sure to start earning the new stamps!And finally, here are the upcoming events:

Out Now: New Stamps for Pizzatron 3000 and Ice Fishing

May 6: New Penguin Style

May 13: New Better Igloos

May 20: Medieval Party
-June17, Club Penguin Agents Author

Club Penguin - Treasure Book Viewing Glitch

Hey penguins!

Today, I decided to go view some Treasure Books, so I could decide which series I should get at the store, when I noticed a glitch. I was looking at the various books, and I noticed Club Penguin had not added series 13 to the view list!

Take a look:

Weird right? This may be a bit aggrevating to some Club Penguin players, because some may not know by memory what items are in the series 13 Treasure Book. What do you guys think? Could this be a problem? Let us know in a comment!

-Josh29- CP Agents Author

EPF Message From Dot

Hey Penguins!

Dot has sent all agents a new message on the Spy Phone - 

The message says - "Great work everyone! I'm seriously proud of you. FYI - tomorrow I'm introducing a new class: the Stealth Class! More info soon."

A new EPF class - The Stealth Class will be introduced tomorrow. This means that some new EPF gear will be coming! Let us know what you think the new gear will look like.

- Dj Wazzer, Club Penguin Agents author

Pizzatron3000 + Ice Fishing Stamps Added!

Hey Penguins!

Today, Club Penguin added some new game stamps. These stamps are for Pizzatron3000 and Ice Fishing. Both games have 10 stamps to be earned.

Here is the pizzatron3000 page in your Stamp Book -

Here is the Ice Fishing page -

There are also some new start screens for both games -

Let us know what you think about these updates. Start collecting your stamps!

- Dj Wazzer, Club Penguin Agents author

Message From Protobot

Hey Penguins!

Agents have recieved another new message. This time the message is from Protobot -


The message says - "Error. Probability of Elite Agents calculating attack: 0 percent. Wheelbot destroyed. Retreating for now."

Protobot thinks that Agents will not attack him anymore. Agents have also defeated the Wheelbot! I'm sure this isn't the last we have seen of Protobot...

- Dj Wazzer, Club Penguin Agents author

Introducing the CPA Forum!

Hello penguins!

Recently, I have had a lot of penguins tell me that they'd like to see a forum become part of Club Penguin Agents.  I thought this was a great idea, but I had tried it before and failed.  Today, I decided to give it one last try, and with a bit of help from my friend Superpacman1, I created the official Club Penguin Agents Forum!  A forum is a place where you post topics/threads, and people respond - Like a giant community!  Penguins are already creating accounts and having fun on the forum, so why don't you join them?

Click here to sign up for the official Club Penguin Agents forum!


Spy Phone Message From Herbert

Hey Penguins!

All agents should check their Spy Phones because Herbert has sent a new message - 

The message says - "Curse you fowl fools! How did you EVER figure Protobot's 'brilliant' plan? You must think you're 'smarter' than he is."

Herbert is right, agents are smarter than Protobot! Now that agents have figured out Protobot's plan do you think he will try and come up with another plan or let Herbert come up with a plan?

- Dj Wazzer, Club Penguin Agents author

Club Penguin Hydro Hopper Bug 2011

Hey penguins!

If you have played the game Hydro Hopper lately, you might have notice something different about the game when you enter. When you go to the dock and walk over to the boat to play the game, as soon as you get to the boat, it warps you into the game!

Thanks to my friend Skater1405 for finding this glitch in the first place. Okay, when you look at the image above I look like I'm in the boat, but according to CP, I'm not. According to Club Penguin, when you walk onto the boat it warps you into the game. Anyway, this glitch is extremely inconvenient to me. Don't you think? Leave a comment!

-Josh29 Club Penguin Agents Author
Happy Easter, everyone!  Easter is an amazing time of year, and I hope you all have a great day today.  Remember, this is your last day to enter Slidoo's Egg Hunt, for a chance to win a free Club Penguin Membership code!  If you want more information on that, then scroll down.  Last year at Easter I had a few mini contests around the blog - This year, I am only doing my egg hunt, but who knows, maybe I'll add another small one later. ;-]

Let me know what you're doing to celebrate Easter, with your family!  Post your review on this post as a comment, and I'll pick a few and put them here. I'd love to hear how you're spending your Easter!

Happy Easter from Club Penguin Cheat World - 2010

HappyFlap2 said...
Hi Slidoo!!!! Im going to an Easter party with my grandma and grandpa and mom and dad and sister and were doing a BIG egg hunt there! Then were eating dinner there and then my sister (shes 16) is making us a big easter dessert at home!! Its going to be so fun!!!

Slippeestars said...
Hi, I woke up got an easter basket and we came out and my whole faimly got a hamster. After playing a bit on my xbox and watching my hamster i went to church, now were going to paint eggs and later go to a relivtives house :D
Ps:hope you have a great easter, oh and i got card jitsue cards and got a golden card for my first time so happy!


Club Penguin Adds "Happy Earth Day" Safe Chat Phrases

Hey penguins!

If your penguin isn't safe chat, you might not have noticed some new phrases in the chat! All the phrases have something to do with Earth Day! For example, "Happy Earth Day!"

Check it out:

Can't read it? Well some of the phrases are really cool, and might be needed to celebrate Earth Day! For example, "Everbody turn green!", or "Let's tidy up!" Haha, I guess Club Penguin is telling us to tidy up our igloos! Are you going to tidy your's? Well I'm tidying up mine! Leave a comment if you're doing the same!

-Josh29 CP Agents Author

Exploring Reviewed By You

Hello penguins!

Last week, the Club Penguin team asked us what we were doing to protect the earth, for Earth Day!  They got hundreds of responses, but their favourite one was submitted by Igloogirl3:
Next week I am going to try my best to help our environment, because it is very important! I already have ideas - saving electricity by turning off the lights, picking up rubbish that has fallen on the ground, and saving water! But of course, I think Earth Day should be EVERY day, so we can look forward to our Earth lasting longer so our future generations can enjoy it! 
Wow - Great review Igloogirl3!
This week, Club Penguin wants to find out, if you were a pirate, where on earth would you explore?  The winner of this weekly contest will receive their review and penguin name featured on the Club Penguin Community Blog, along with a bonus prize of 10,000 coins!  Wow!  If you want to tell Club Penguin what you'd do as a pirate, for a chance to win the prizes, click here.


EXCLUSIVE: 'Beta Team ??' Video

Hello penguins!

Today, I found an amazing exclusive given out by Happy77, one of Club Penguin's staff.  Happy77 has posted a lot of videos recently, but this is by far the most mysterious one I have ever seen!  Take a look at the video, called 'Beta Team ??':

Hmmm... what could this mean?  At first, it shows the code of a new game coming soon to Club Penguin.  However, why is it called 'Beta Team ??'?  Is it going to be released to beta testers first, and then us?  Is Club Penguin going to re-open in beta to test new things?  Is this my theory about the CPIP returning?  No one really knows right now... But I bet we will find out soon!


Slidoo's Egg Hunt - Win a Free Membership!

This Club Penguin Membership contest is closing at 5:15 EST today, so hurry and enter!


Some of you may remember my candy hunt at Halloween!  This month, for Easter, I will be doing something very similar, only with eggs!
Around this website, there are 8 eggs hidden.  Each egg is painted with one letter on it!  Here is an example of what one of the eggs will look like (this egg is not an official egg hunt egg, so it has a number instead of a letter):

You will have to search for, and find all 8 eggs. Once you have found all of the eggs, you will need to arrange all 8 letters to make one 8 letter word.  Remember, you cannot tell anyone where any of the eggs are, or what the 8 letter word is, or neither you or the penguins you told will be eligible for the win!  I will not be giving any hints, so please don't even waste your time asking me for a hint!  On April 25th, I will do a draw with all of the winner's names, and one of them will win a free Club Penguin membership!

Once you have found all the eggs, click here to enter the draw for the prize!

Good luck to everyone who searches for the eggs and enters in the contest!


ULTIMATE Rockhopper Tracker 2011!

Hello penguins!

As most of you know, Rockhopper will be returning to the island on April 21st. As usual, the Club Penguin Agents staff will be tracking him! However, this time, I am teaming up with one of my friends, named Josh29! We will be setting up the ULTIMATE Rockhopper tracker. We will be using my chat to track together! We will each have different trackers on our blogs, that way, if I am offline, you can still check Josh29's blog for the location!  You'll be able to access our Rockhopper chat from both blogs.  It sounds like fun, doesn't it? Well, it will be, but to make it the most enjoyable that it can be you must follow just a few rules!

1. Do not post a FAKE location
2. Do not shout "WHERE IS ROCKHOPPER!?!?" a million times!
3. Obey all the basic chat rules! They can be found below my chat, click here to go there.
                    Server: Read Scrolling Text         Server: Offline                            Server: Offline
                    Room: Read Scrolling Text          Room: Offline                             Room: Offline

Get your own Chat Box! Go Large!

After Rockhopper has left, if our tracker is successful, Josh29 and I might even have a party, celebrating our success! Make sure you come here daily and help us track Rockhopper!


Spy Phone Message From G!

Hey Penguins!

Agents should check their Spy Phones again because G has sent a new message -

The message says - "*Closed message - channel secure* Hmm... I think Herbert was warning us. Put all Earth Day Party trees under surveillance. Be ready."

So, Herbert is going to attack the trees! This is going to be bad... All agents should prepare and come up with a good plan to stop Herbert.

- Dj Wazzer, Club Penguin Agents author

Field Ops #41

Hey Penguins!

Agents should report to the EPF HQ because a new Field Op is here.

Here are this weeks orders from G - 

G is telling us that one of the Test Bots is heading towards the Dock....

This weeks Field Ops is located at the Dock and there is a new mini-game.

In this mini-game you have destroy the target. Sounds simple.....

However, The blue dot which is supposed to be a snowball travels along lines and you have press the arrow key which is shown - 

Example - The blue arrow is pointing right and you have to quickly press the right arrow key. There are several lines the dot travels on and if you do not quickly press the correct arrow key then your snowball with explode and you will have to play the mini-game again.

When you complete the Field Op, you will recieve a message from Wheel Bot

I'm glad we defeted the Wheel Bot! Does this mean Herbert will not go ahead with his plan?

- Dj Wazzer, Club Penguin Agents author

Rockhopper is Back!

June17 here! As you might of seen in the telescope up on the Beacon, Rockhopper is on his way back to the Club Penguin Island. He had finally made it and with him is a bunch of new stuff you can buy.Every time Rockhopper comes to CP, he always brings with him a few couple of new items for us to buy. Now here are the new items he brought: Island Grove Background(Free), Hanging Moss, Mossy Log and Boiling Cauldron. There is also one hidden item which is the Island Trinkets.
Here is Rockhopper's "to do list":

  • Reuse me cream soda bottles.
  • Water me plants!
  • Sing with swamp frogs!
  • Recycle snow with me mateys.
-June17, CPA Author

Easter Scavenger Hunt Cheats

Note - Images will be added later today.

Hello penguins!  The exciting Easter Egg hunt has begun today!  To begin the scavenger hunt, you'll need to click on the egg in the top right hand corner of the Club Penguin screen.

Then, this screen will come up:

Once you've started the hunt, you need to find the eggs!  The first egg is located at the Dojo, in Sensei's tree.

The second egg is located behind a rock at the Dock!

The third egg is located at the Forest.  It is near the chat bubble at the bottom, behind a rock!

The fourth egg is behind the life guard chair, at the underground Pool!

The fifth egg is in the community tree, at the Mine Shack (outside!)

The sixth egg is behind the couches, ontop of the table inside the Lodge Attic!

You're almost done!  The seventh egg is on top of the Ski Hill!  It's hard to miss!

The eighth and final egg is at the Snow Forts, but first you need to start making it snow, by throwing snowballs into the giant funnel.
Now the egg will come out from behind some snow and you're good to go!  Click "Claim Prize" on the screen that pops up and you'll win the Safari Background!  Congratulations!


Earth Day Party 2011 Cheats!

Hello penguins!

I apologize for the short post, but I need to get going. Club Penguin has released the Earth Day Party 2011!  As you probably already know, this year's Earth Day party is all about animals. So, on that note, let's take a look at the two special animal costumes!

The first is the African Painted Dog.  You can find this item at the Dock!
When you get to the Dock, you'll see the sign in the image above. Click on the sign and you'll get to purchase the African Painted Dog costume!
The next animal costume is the Snow Leopard, and it is located at the Snow Forts!  Once you're there, you'll see this sign:
Usually, a message is supposed to pop up about the Snow Leopard, along with the spot where you purchase it, but it is currently not working!  Hopefully Club Penguin will fix this soon!

In this party, there is also a free item!  It is located at the Plaza.
It is the Outback Exploring Hat!  Just walk up to it to pick it up!

Also located at the Plaza is an information booth about some endangered animals!
When you click on the poster, the information will come up:
It is so sad that so many animals are endangered!  However, it is GREAT that Club Penguin is showing their support for these poor animals!  They are SO cute!

Other than that, the party is pretty much just some decorated rooms (but they're very cool!) So make sure you log on and check out the party!  Let me know your thoughts by commenting.


New Pin - Savanna Tree Pin

Hey Penguins!

A new pin has been hidden on the island. This time, the pin is not a Puffle pin and there is only one pin hidden. Here is how to find it - 

1. Click on your map and go to the Ski Village
2. Walk over to the Ski Lodge
3. When you are in the Ski Lodge, walk over to the purple sofa and you will now have the Savanna Tree Pin.

Club Penguin have released this pin to help celebrate Earth Day. Let us know what you think of this pin.

- Dj Wazzer, Club Penguin Agents author

New Message From Herbert

Hey Penguins!

Agents, check your Spy Phones again because Herbert has sent a message -

The message says - "So you know Protobot's plan eh? The plan I'd have to be CRAZY to support? You Environment Protecting Fools better keep an eye on the trees."

Sounds like Herbert is going to destroy the trees! This will cause a lot of damage. What if Herbert cuts down the trees?! This will be bad for the environment. Do you think agents will come up with a good plan to stop Herbert?

- Dj Wazzer, Club Penguin Agents author

Earth Day Video

Hey Penguins!

Billybob has posted a new video on the community blog. This video is about the upcoming Earth Day Party. Here is what Billybob has written -

Hello Penguins! 

The Earth Day Party is coming soon to Club Penguin! As I mentioned a few weeks ago on the blog, this year we're going to be celebrating animals and their habitats during the event.

The team made this video to show you more:

What do you think? As always, we want to hear from you. Let us know what you think in the comments!

In other news... Some of you have been asking if there will be anything happening on Club Penguin to celebrate the Easter weekend. I don't want to spoil the surprise, but I will say that there's going to be a little something extra for you at the Earth Day Party...

Until then... Waddle On!
I think the video is great! I'm glad that Club Penguin are celebrating Earth Day and the environment. Let us know if you are looking forward to the Earth Day Party.

- Dj Wazzer, Club Penguin Agents author

Message From Jet Pack Guy

Hey Penguins!

Agents should check their Spy Phones (again) because Jet Pack Guy has sent a new message - 

The message says - "*Closed message - channel secure* Rookie, you can't reveal stuff like that! Now Herbert knows we know his plan!"

So, now that Herbert knows that Agents know his plan what do you think Herbert will do now? Maybe he will try and destroy something else or maybe come up with a sneaky plan that Agents will not know about.

- Dj Wazzer, Club Penguin Agents author

EPF Message From Rookie

Hey Penguins!

Agents should check their Spy Phone again because Rookie has sent a new message -

The message says - "*Open message - all channels* Herbert! Are you really going to help destroy the environment??? Why would you do something like that?"

What do you think about Herbert trying to destroy the environment? I think Herbert should stop and think about all the damage it will cause. I don't think the environment should be destroyed at the Earth Day Party - I don't think it should be destroyed at all! Let's hope Herbert will think about all the damage he will cause....

- Dj Wazzer, Club Penguin Agents author

New EPF Message from Gary

Hello agents,

Today, I checked my EPF phone, and noticed that I had received a new message from Gary!  Take a look at what the message said:
Uh oh! Herbert and the Protobot have planned an attack! But, where is Klutzy in all of this?  Is he getting jealous that Herbert seems to be taking the Protobot in as his new sidekick?  Do you think Klutzy will start helping us, some how?  Let me know your opinion by leaving a comment.


Message From The Director

Hey Penguins!

Agents should check their Spy Phones because the Director has sent a new message - 

The message says - "Attention agents. Complete Field-Ops as soon as possible this week. A signal has been found, and we need more agents to verify its message."

What do you think the signals message could be? Maybe it has something to do with the Earth Day Party. Herbert and Klutzy are planning to do something at the party....

- Dj Wazzer, Club Penguin Agents author

Rockhopper is Closer To The Island!

Hey Penguins!

If you look out of the Telescope you will notice that Rockhopper's ship is getting closer to the island -

Rockhopper will arrive in time for the Earth Day Party which begins on April 21st. Rockhopper will be bringing more items with him.

- Dj Wazzer, Club Penguin Agents author

Happy77 Interviews A Puffle Expert!

Hey Penguins!

Recently, Happy77 asked you to send in your questions for the Puffle expert. Happy77 has now asked the Puffle expert your questions. Here is the interview -

Greetings Penguins!

Happy77 here. Thanks for sending all those great questions last week. I picked a few of them and asked a puffle expert for some tips and tricks on how to care for your pets.

Here's what they had to say:

Luky131 asked: "What can I do for my puffles not to runaway?"
Keep them happy! Puffles love snacks, being brushed, going for walks and playing games! Puffles don't run away quite so easily since the updates back in March. 

Sonic946 asked: "Hi ! I¹d like to know one thing: why can't puffles use all of the puffle toys? For example, the blue puffle using the rocket or the yellow puffle using the ball."
Just like you've probably got favorite toys, puffles do, too. If you have suggestions for NEW puffle toys, please let us know!

Alex asked: "How do you know food puffles like the most? There are so many that I get confused. What puffle likes what food? What do I click on?"
You'll never know what your puffle likes until you try to feed it. Watch its facial expressions. Puffles will jump up and down in excitement if they like the food you're giving them.

Lyfi45 asked: "Why is black puffle always in a bad mood?"
I happen to have a soft spot for grumpy creatures - I've got a few black puffles but they aren't even really that grumpy. They're just really intense. Mine definitely smiles when he's got his skateboard.

Canza1 asked: "Why can't all puffles swim?"
For the same reason we don't all love eating artichokes, cleaning our rooms, or doing push-ups. They all like to do different things.

Hope that answers some of your questions. If you need any other tips, let me know in the comments. :)

Until then... Waddle On!

Those are some great questions. The new Puffle features were released a while ago and I think there're great! I would be intrested to know if you like the Puffle features - What do you like best and what don't you like about them? Leave a comment and let us know.

- Dj Wazzer, Club Penguin Agents author

Easter Egg Hunt CONFIRMED To Return

Remember when I posted about that the Easter Party was NOT cancelled? And all the penguins who posted about it being posted freaked out on me? Yeah, well, today in Club Penguin's newspaper, they have confirmed that the Easter egg hunt WILL be returning to Club Penguin.
So, that shows that you can always rely on Club Penguin Agents to bring you 100% accurate cheats!  Like I said, why would Club Penguin have posted it in the newspaper last week, which would be almost 3 weeks early? ;-]

Club Penguin Easter Party Cancelled? NOPE!


Club Penguin Times Issue 287

June17 here! A new edition of the Club Penguin Times is here with their 287th issue. The topics for this week's newspaper is on Earth Day and Norman Swarm at the Stage.

The Earth Day Party isn't for another week and penguins around the island are getting ready. Clothing Designers are working on something special. One said their working on two costumes, a Snow Leopard and African Painted Dog. There will be some rare adventures during the party said another penguin. Remember, Earth Day is on April 21!
Norman Swarm has been Transformed is back at the Stage! Like last time, the hidden room is back and with a new pin to find. You would have to work as a team to uncover the hidden room. This fun and awesome play is now at the Stage and make sure to go there to check it out!
Here are the upcoming events:

April 21: Earth Day Party, Easter Scavenger Hunt and Rockhopper Arrives

April 26: New Stamps for Pizzatron 3000 and Ice Fishing

That is it for this week's newspaper.

-June17, Club Penguin Agents Author

Earth Day Startup Screen

Hello penguins!

As you might already know, this month Club Penguin will be hosting their second annual Earth Day party.  This year's party focuses on animals!  Cool, huh? Anyways, a new startup screen has been posted. It has to do with the Earth Day party!
Very cool log in screen! It fits the Earth Day party perfectly! What are you looking forward to the most from what you've heard so far, about this party?
