New Pin - Brazier Pin

Hey Penguins!

A new pin has been released. Here is how to find it - 

1. Click on your Map and go to the Town and then the Nightclub
2. Walk over to the right speaker and you will be at the Boiler Room
3. When you are at the boiler room, Click on the giant pot above the 'Pin Maker 3000' sign..
4. Keep clicking until the Pin Maker 3000 makes the Brazier Pin. You now have the Brazier Pin!

- Dj Wazzer, Club Penguin Agents author


slippeestars said...

i thought i reconized you lol

Syka said...

I have only one word to describe the Medieval Party: PATHETIC. There is no music. The music in the Dance Lounge is the same as the Night Club, which makes me feel like I'm in the modern world rather than the Middle Ages. The Stage's script is for the wrong play. I can't play Knight's Quest 3. From what I've seen on other penguins, the items are repeats but different colors. Quests 1 & 2 are EXACTLY the same as last year and the year before. The "Knights Needed" posted is still from the Earth Day Party. Items are listed as "undefined." When loading KQ1, it reads "Loading Stair Dimension, Candy Dimension, Space Dimension, etc," and I get the brown puffle cave music at the end. The gold item and toothbrush pin are back. In the Tree Fort, it says, "Loading Stage," and I get Norman Swarm music. The only thing that impressed me was the Recycling Center. Aside from that, I'd rather the party had not come at all. This is the most terrible work I have ever seen on CP. I know everyone's been saying that they've been lazy for a while, but I tried to keep a vote of confidence in CP. Now, I think that they have lost that vote of confidence through the Medieval Party. Only time will tell if I still choose to play, but this party is an EPIC AND TOTAL FAILURE.