Spread Slidoo's Influence!

Hey penguins, polar bears, seals, whatever you are!

Recently there has been a program called the "Influence Project".  I don't really know what this is, but the internet is looking for the internet's most INFLUENCED person!  I know I won't win, but I wanna see how high I can get in the list!  The WINNER will get put in a MAGAZINE!  Can I get into the top 100?  There are THOUSANDS of people here, it'll be pretty hard, but it's possible.  All you gotta do is go spread my influence!  To start, just click HERE or HERE or HERE, HERE, OR EVEN HERE!  Do it several times a day! =D  When you do it, it'll come up showing my current rank.  Then you can click "Spread Slidoo's Influence Further!" to help me even MORE! 

-Slidoo, Club Penguin Cheat World Owner www.ClubPenguinCheatWorld.com Please comment! I love comments!REMEMBER: Do NOT steal ANY of the screenshots, pictures, text, etc. in ANY of my posts! This is ILLEGAL and you WILL be caught! You will sometimes get a warning, sometimes you won't! If you steal anything, your site will likely be suspended or removed.


Maddi said...

No offense but your trying to bribe us. Your in the top ten! Why do you need to be more famous? Face it. Some people aren't even in the top 50! Just be grateful where you are.

Slidoo said...

Umm sorry but what the heck are you talking about I'm not in the top 10 of anything!

FerdthebirdyCP said...

Wow kristen, just do it at least once!!!!!!! Don't be so mean to Slidoo...


Zoeyuluv said...

Wow. That's a cool site! Kristen, Slidoo is famous because he worked hard at it. If you worked hard you would be famous too. Do you mind if I sign up? And no it's not bribing at all! I think ur just jealous.

Slidoo said...

Oh yeah you can sign up!! That's the point, I'm influencing others to join!

Meteor14 said...

YOU MIMO COPIER. Whatever mimo does, you just so happen to do the same thing... geez and you dont like ti when people copy you.

Maddi said...

I'm not jealous. Zoey yeash! I'm happy where I am.

Oh birdy you were extremely mean to me in pc so why should I do what you say?

I kinda agree with Meteor14.

Maddi said...

Sorry I'm not trying to be mean, it just got me mad when Birdy and Zoey shot those comments at me. LOL the word verification word this time is:
