DJ Cadence Tracker 2011 Is Here!

*This post is sticky, scroll down for the latest updates*

DJ Cadence is here for the Puffle Party 2011!  Here at Club Penguin Agents, we want to have an awesome DJ Cadence tracker!  However, here are some things we do NOT like to see happening, when we make a tracker:

People taking our locations and taking credit for themselves/not giving us credit
People LYING about a location of a famous penguin
People advertising
People being MEAN on chat!

However, there are lots of things that we DO like to see!

People being awesome and helping other people out!
People giving us credit when we find a famous penguin!
People being honest and only saying the REAL locations!
People just having fun, and not advertising!

It's not hard to have fun while tracking, but also helping out penguins who have never met the mascot before!
DJ Cadence Tracker:
Tracker Status: Online
Cadence Status: Online
Server: Tracking...
Room: Tracking...
The ultimate DJ Cadence tracker is below.  Please, if you're going to help us track using the chat, don't just sit there - help track!

Make sure to use good behaviour on the chat or you will be punished.


The Sly Fly/Tik Tok Rock/Esatse said...

this is the best candance tracker ever :)))))))

comment by Esatse :)

Syka said...

Hey Slidoo, I'm interested in the adspace you have open. I'm not emailing you with my payment because I don't currently have one, but when I go to the store this week I will buy a CJ code and I will email it to you. Is this ok? I wanted to ask before the spot was taken. Can you let me know either by replying or answering on chat? Thanks!

Anonymous said...

I tryed too track candence with your tracker. But it did not work, ive tryed alot of trakers. I thought this was the real one, i got so excited. But i got on the website and it was serching for dj candence. and it said room tracking and the server was being tracked?. and i was dissapointed because i sat there for a while. i wanted too ask if i could you know help with your website and be like a reporter i will tell you news and stuff to post on your website btw ( by the way ) my penguin name is baykam20 add me if your interested for me to be a cp news reporter i will get on big surf most of the time if its full i will get on zipline or yeti thanks alot