Igloo Upgrades Catalogue Cheats!

Sorry I'm late!  I somehow MISSED this new catalogue!  But now, I found it, and I've got the cheats!  I'm in a bit of a hurry, so I put all of the cheats into one picture.  Here they are:
If you need to see it bigger, click on it!  There are some COOL igloos in there, so be sure to check it out!


Anonymous said...

its ok

Csquadqb17 CLICK ME! said...

Slidoo why are theretwo pins out at the same time? theres one outside the mine and one at the beach.

Keylime244 said...

That post was very creative! Thanks for doing it. Please post more!

Qwerty13199 said...

Hi Slidoo! I put your banner on my site. It is under blogroll/ adspace Please put me on your blogroll and follow me! BTW, could you make me a banner? You are so good at that, and I'm, well, not. :-( Thanks! My site is qwertycpc.blogspot.com.

Qwerty13199 said...

@ Csquadqb17 (wow, long name, I like it!

Slidoo why are theretwo pins out at the same time? theres one outside the mine and one at the beach.
Well, the faucet pin at the beach is the real CP pin, hidden every 2 weeks. But the one at the mine is for the play, "Secrets of the Bamboo Forest". You must gey it to cross a bridge on the stage. But get the pin soon, cause the new play, "Space Adventure", comes out soon!
