New Newspaper!

Club Penguin has released the new newspaper, here it is:

YAY!  The Mounatin Expedition starts later TODAY or tomorrow!  Woot!

I can't WAIT!  Can you? 

Hmm... it looks like Club Penguin is planning something BIG for igloos... what could this be?  There is a BIG article about igloos...

Oh!  I remember, a while ago Club Penguin said we'd be able to customize igloo designs like we can do with the T-Shirts!  I can't wait for this stuff, can you?

-Slidoo, Club Penguin Cheat World Owner Please comment! I love comments!REMEMBER: Do NOT steal ANY of the screenshots, pictures, text, etc. in ANY of my posts! This is ILLEGAL and you WILL be caught! You will sometimes get a warning, sometimes you won't! If you steal anything, your site will likely be suspended or removed.

1 comment:

FerdthebirdyCP said...

For the Project thing, does that count for me, since you already help me? LOL.
