New Newspaper and Medieval Party News!

There is a new newspaper out!  There is lots of medieval news... if you want to read it, here it is:

Thank you, Legos13 for showing me how to do this!

They say there will be LOTS of medieval clothing in the next clothing catalogue.

It sounds like this stuffs is gonna be pretty cool, but it seems like everything is sorta... the same as last year.  Even the clothes in that picture are the same as multiple other years!  Maybe we're in for a BIG surprise at this party that Club Penguin isn't even telling us or showing us ANYTHING about!  It also looks like the giant maze and major event below ground going on for members again!

I can't wait for this party!  What do you think will happen with this exciting party?  Will we get the same stuffs we've had for several years, or something TOTALLY new and cool?  Tell me what you think!

-Slidoo, CP Cheat World Owner


Piper said...

p.s. im on the chat right now im gonna be on almost all day

Piper said...

Hi can I buy the chat owner thing on islidoo thanks!