New Pin - Beach Chair Pin

Hey Penguins!

Today a new pin has been hidden on the island. Here is how to find the Beach Chair Pin - 

1. Click on your map and go to the Town
2. When you are at the Town, waddle over to The Nightclub
3. When you are at the Nightclub, waddle over to the Beach Chair, and you will be able to get the Beach Chair Pin

- Dj Wazzer, Club Penguin Agents author

Field Ops #66

Hey Penguins!

Agents should report to the EPF Command Room to receive some new orders from G.

Here are this weeks order - 

Many areas on the island are flooding. Suspect #1 is missing (Most likely, Herbert). Agents have to make sure all flood bubble shields are at full power.

The location of this weeks Field Ops is at The Lighthouse, stand by the drumkit -

Your Spy phone will start flashing, click on it and you will be able to play this weeks mini-game.

In this weeks mini-game, Agents have to power up the chipset - 

Move the battery around with the arrow keys. You have guide the battery to the micro chips. Watch out for the lasers. You might need to go back to the green circle to charge your battery - 

When you complete this weeks field op, you will earn a medal!

- Dj Wazzer, Club Penguin Agents author

Club Penguin Underwater Expedition Party 2012 Construction

Hello Penguins!
The Underwater Party Expedition is coming very soon to the island this month. Sense, there is 1 week until the party begins, some construction has hit the island for some Underwater Expedition decor. Sadly, on the whole island there is only 1 place to find this construction. It's only located, at the Beach.

The reason why it would be located there, is because that's the main party room of the whole party. It's were we could start are maze we must conquer in party as well. In my opinion, I think have several boxes in one room is great, because it gives us more thinking for what the party might look like. When people are saying it's a bit boring with the boxes. What do you think of this construction for the party? Make sure to leave a comment below!
-King Boo8884, Club Penguin Agents Author

Club Penguin Underwater Expedition Log In Screen 2012

Hello Penguins!
Today there has been a second release of another Underwater Expedition log in screen of 2012. It's all about getting a membership to tour around the amazing expedition coming soon to the island this month. This will advertise more people getting memberships and more people coming to the expedition itself.

Wow, this was an amazing log in screen. A lot of people are losing there access to parties, because of there lack of membership. This again will help get more people to come to the Underwater Expedition Party of 2012. Let's hope it's a big success. What do you think? Leave a comment below about the log in screen!
-King Boo8884, Club Penguin Agents Author

Club Penguin Underwater Party Construction 2012 Homepage

Hello Penguins!
Recently, I was logging into Club Penguin to see the brand new updates. I saw that there has been a new updated homepage just for this month's expedition. The homepage is all about the preparation of the Underwater Expedition Party 2012.
It's such a brilliant homepage for the Underwater Expedition for now until the party starts on January 26th-31st.  I wonder if this will be the same homepage though out the whole party..? It's the same one as the one in the video exclusive. What do you think? Leave a comment below!
-King Boo8884, Club Penguin Agents Author

Better Igloos Catalog January 2012 Cheats

Hey Penguins!

Today, a new Better Igloos catalog has been released. The catalog has some new underwater themed items in celebration of the upcoming Underwater Expedition, which begins on January 26th. Lets take a look at this months new cheats -

To get the 'Ancient Archway', click on the keyhole on the Treasure Chest - 

There is only 1 new cheat, this month. Here is the other page of underwater items - 

What do you think of these items? There is only 2 pages of items, but im sure it is enough to decorate your igloos. Will you be turning your igloo into your own underwater adventure? Let us know by sending us a comment.

- Dj Wazzer, Club Penguin Agents author

Field Ops #65

Hey Penguins!

Agents should report to the EPF Command Room to receive some new orders from G.

Here are this weeks orders - 

G wants Agents to find another signal near the water.

This weeks Field Ops location is at The Cove, stand by the rocks - 

When you stand here, your Spy Phone will flash and you will be able to play this weeks mini-game.

For this weeks mini-game, Agents have to crack the code - 

Click on the circles and you will be able to input different shapes. When you have a shape in each of the four circles, click 'scan'. The circles will then turn different colors. If the circles are red, that means that the shape is not part of the code. If the circle is yellow, that means that the shape is in the code but you need to put it in a different place. If the circle turns green, that means that the shape is in the correct place. Keep doing this until you crack the code.

When you complete the mini-game, you will earn a medal!

- Dj Wazzer, Club Penguin Agents auhor

Club Penguin "Four Items" Glitch

Hello Penguins!

Today I was recently buying some items about of the furniture catalog at our igloos. Why I was doing this, I decided to buy some of the cozy green chairs in the November edition of the Better Igloos catalog. I had already bought 4 of the chairs and I'm, about to buy another one. You can only have 4 Card-Jitsu Mats at a time, however when I was buying this chair item it came up "Sorry, you may only have four Card-Jitsu Mat igloo items". When I wasn't even buying a Card-Jitsu Mat.
That's when I thought it was a big glitch. It made me really mad, because I can't complete my igloo now. We're currently not sure if this is happening to everyone, but it might have happened to some. With this glitch being said, you wouldn't be able to buy this item until the glitch is fixed. What do you think of this glitch? Don't forget to leave a comment below!

-King Boo8884, Club Penguin Agents Author

EXCLUSIVE: Underwater Expedition Party: Sneak Peek!

Hello Penguins!
A huge sneak peek has been brought out on a YouTube video from Happy77 for the Underwater Expedition Party. This sneak peek is huge, because of all the different rooms we haven't seen yet for the party. It gives us a better view on how the party will be looking like.

That was an amazing sneak peek for the Underwater Expedition. I can't believe how awesome it look right now. It's not completely an expedition, it's got a summer party kinda feel to it. With beach balls, beach towels, and stuff like that. What did you think? More exclusive images are coming soon in another post. Don't forget to post a comment below!
-King Boo8884, Club Penguin Agents Author

Coming Soon: Underwater Expedition Party January 26-31 Commercial

Hello Penguins!
Today, Club Penguin has uploaded a brand new video on YouTube, mainly about our upcoming party this January 2012. The Underwater Expedition Party is now being seen on commercial on channels like Nick, Disney, etc. Like the Holiday Party for 2011, it will show some exclusive rooms and how to get clothing items to get prepared for the new party.

Wow what an amazing commercial for the Underwater Expedition. It's a short party for Jan. 26-31, but it's sure to be full of fun and exploring for those adventurers. The homepage looked a little different as well. Like the construction stage for the party, with Rookie and Rockhopper. Why would Rockhopper be on the homepage? Do you think he might be coming to the party as well with Rookie? Remember to comment below!
-King Boo8884, Club Penguin Agents Author

Club Penguin Updated Underwater Expedition YouTube Background

Hello Penguins!
Just recently, I was looking at some of Club Penguin's fabulous YouTube videos. I wanted to go to their channel, when I did something really surprising came into mind. They've added a whole new background/look to the YouTube channel. This look relates to the Underwater Expedition and has some really neat things going on in the picture.
Wow, that an amazing background the Club Penguin Team has made/picked out for this month big expedition planned. This is the best one I've seen get. Hope for more to come in the future, in those awesome parties coming up this year. What did you think of this YouTube background for Club Penguin? Do you like it? Tell us in a comment below!
-King Boo8884, Club Penguin Agents Author

Club Penguin Twelfth Fish Stage Play Catalog Cheats

Hello Penguins!

It has been 3 years sense this play (The Twelfth Fish) has ever arrived on the island. Now, after those 3 years it's finally back on the island for January 2012. An amazing new original script have been written by Rookie this month. With that being said, there is a ton of items you should see this month and some hidden items as well.

In Front of the Stage:

When you want to find the stage, all you have to do is pull up the map, click on "Plaza" and you will see a sign that says "Twelfth Fish". That means the stage is located at the Plaza and that is the current stage released on the island. The stage will mainly stick to the theme of underwater, like this one does.

Inside of the Stage:

Inside of the stage is the heart of this play. With a very amusing background to show off the amazing style of this month's play. It truly makes it come alive.

Catalog Cheats:

Now there care some hidden items you can obtain in this stage catalog. Ton of different items to choose from, from any party.

1. Go to page 3.

2. Click on the background of the bricks to get the Ruffle Collar neck item.

1. Go to page 4.

2. Click on all the white and pink stuff in the top left corner of the page and you will get Grumpunzel's Custom. With a hair and body item.

1. Go to page 4.

2. Click on the white, blue, and pink stuff at the button right hand corner and you will get Prince Redhood penguin.

1. Go to page 5.

2. Click on the bubbles and you will get the brown fish penguin.

1. Go to page 5.

2. Click on top of the submarine telescope and you will get the lobster costume.

1. Go to page 7.

2. Click on the words "V.S" and you will get the Squid costume.

1. Go to page 8.

2. Click on the 4 objects and you will get the mummy costume.

Lots of cool hidden items in this edition of the stage catalog. There is still more than that came from, just go to to see more items you can buy with a membership. What did you think of this edition of the stage catalog? I thought it was really cool with all the amazing different items. Tell us in a comment below!
-King Boo8884, Club Penguin Agents Author

Club Penguin Underwater Expedition Log In Screen

Hello Penguins!
Today was the big announcement of the new upcoming party in January 2012. With that being said, the Underwater Expedition is the place to be in January leading to a great new log in screen involving mostly about the Underwater theme of the expedition. This really on shows that date, name of party, background, and more in this months party log in screen.
This Underwater Expedition is starting to get big on the island. This new log in is pretty cool, with the showing of the logo, date the party starts, and background. It reminds me of the Festival of Flight, because the whole island was in the air. But, this time the whole island will be underwater for the first time. What do you think of the new log in screen? Leave a comment below!
-King Boo8884, Club Penguin Agents Author

Field Ops #64

Hey Penguins!

Agents should report to the EPF Command Room, to receive some new orders from G.

Here are this weeks orders - 

G wants agents agents to work together to power up the Recycletron 3000.

This weeks Field Op location is at the Recycling Plant.

When you are at the Recycling Plant, stand by the machine. Your Spy Phone will flash and you will be able to play this weeks mini-game.

For this weeks mini-game, agents have to pwer up the chipset.

Use the arrow keys to guide the chipset to the power stations (Where the arrows are pointing), Watch out for the lasers. If you get hit by a laser, you will lose power. At times, you might need to go back to the green circle, to recharge the chipset, so you can power up the remaining power stations.

 - Dj Wazzer, Club Penguin Agents author

New Pin - Conch Shell Pin

Hey Penguins!

A new pin has been hidden on the island. Here is how to find the Conch Shell Pin - 

1. Click on your map and go to the Iceburg.
2. When you are at the Iceburg, walk over to the Conch Shell, and you will be able to get the pin.

- Dj Wazzer, Club Penguin Agents author

CPA Update & Contest Winner

Hello penguins...
Some might call it Club Penguin Agents' "death". Club Penguin Agents domain is set to expire and it should actually have stopped working already... Without the domain, traffic will decrease by a massive amount.

It's fairly obvious that I'm not really interested in blogging for Club Penguin anymore. But the authors are willing to keep it going, with a few occasional posts from me, which is cool!

Sadly, I don't know if there is a point when we're soon only going to get, like, 50 hits  a day, because of our domain issues...

Club Penguin Agents will become AS OF NOW.

I know I'm late but it's better than never! The winner of the Christmas Card Contest 2011 is....
I absolutely loved this card, you did a fantastic job, Gutex! I will DM you a Club Penguin Coin Code on Twitter... If there are any problems, let me know!

Thank you to everyone for visiting, and make sure you spread the word about the domain switch... I really do apologize for the inconvenience!

Club Penguin Agents isn't dying... A new theme is coming soon!


Club Penguin New Community Poll (1-5-12)

Hello Penguins!
Recently, a brand new edition of the Penguin Style catalog. With all the new underwater outfits, Club Penguin has specifically made a brand new poll in honor of the Penguin Style catalog. The poll question is: A new Penguin Style catalog is out now! What's your favorite outfit? Below is the answers to the poll on what you might want to pick.
  • The Divers Suit
  • The Pink Stripe Bikini
  • The Marine Vest Outfit
  • The Hip Red Jacket
Wow, there's a lot of different choices to choose form the catalog as your favorite item. My personal favorite is The Hip Red Jacket. You can wear it anytime you want during the summer, it will still be stylish and in season. What's your favorite item in the Penguin Style catalog from the choices in poll. Drop your thought below in the comments!
-King Boo8884 Club Penguin Agents Author

Club Penguin Navigational Bar Glitch

Hello Penguins!
Today, I was recently logging on to Club Penguin to hang out with some of my penguin pals. When I lost connection I was going to click "log off" and I found a big glitch with the navigational bar. The log off button and the small screen button are all jumbled up. Which this makes it harder to see if your clicking "log off" or "small screen".
I thought it was weird glitch. I'm also not sure if everyone currently has this problem, if it's just some that do, or just me. I don't care for the glitch, because I don't see if I'm click "log off" or  "Small screen". I would hope it would be fixed soon. Do you see the problem on your computer? Don't forget to comment below!
-King Boo8884 Club Penguin Agents Author

Club Penguin New January 2012 Membership Page

Hello Penguins!
Like every month when the penguin style comes out, there an updated membership page for each month. The membership page usually talks about what might happen that month and just a little sneak peek for the following month. This month is all about another expedition, like January 2011. With a few surprises that caught my eye.

  • Discover secret rooms
  • Collect exclusive party items and outfits
  • Jump on Stage with Twelfth Fish costumes
  • Coming in February: Step into the style spotlight with a special event!
It seems like a very fun month coming up! The secret room part sounds really adventurous and excited to here. Collecting exclusive party items and out fits would be during the Underwater Party, or you could get some items at the gift shop. However, the February 2012 event sounds different that usual. It's always was the Puffle Party, but there is a special event that awaits us. What do you think of the upcoming events to the island soon? Don't forget to comment below!
-King Boo8884
Club Penguin Agents Author

Club Penguin New Treasure Book (January 2012)

Hello Penguins!
It's that time again when Club Penguin will update the treasure book.  The treasure book has always been my favorite catalog on the item, because of all the crazy, fancy, and wicked outfits they will have in store for us. With hat being said, there are some really neat outfits for this edition. Bunnies, Dragons, Snails, Mermaids, Adventurers, and lots more!

Wow, that was a ton of epic item for this edition to start off 2012! You can go to the Gift Shop and click "I've got a code" after you click the catalog. Then unlock some items. Or go to the homepage and click the  "unlock items" logo to simply unlock item from there. I can't wait to see what other future items are coming soon to the treasure book. What do you think of this month's catalog? Don't forget to leave a comment below!
-King Boo8884
Club Penguin Agents Author

Club Penguin Coins For Change 2011 Results

Hello Penguins!
Today is the big day for the island! We get to find out the success we made in in 2011's Coins For Change project. Club Penguin is going to be donating 2 million dollars in real money, if we reached our goal. This year I think we really over acceded our goal by donating billions of coins this year.

1. Go to the beach.
2. Click billboard to see results.
Wow! 10.8 billion coins, that's a TON! I'm very proud of all of use for making it to some many coins to help people around the world. 2011 was best donating year and just best year for Coins For Change in Club Penguin history. How many coins did you donate? Leave a comment below!
-King Boo8884
Club Penguin Agents Author

Penguin Style January 2012 Cheats

Hey Penguins!

Today, a new Penguin Style catalog was released. The catalog has a new look. There are lots of cool new items in this months catalog. Lets take a look at this months new cheats -

You can see that the catalog now says 'New Arrivals' at the top of the page. The catalog now shows how the items will look on your Penguins.

To get the 'Blue and Pink Snorkel', click on the top of the Mountain as circled in the picture - 

To get the 'Blue and Pink Flippers', click on the orange flipper of the Penguin circled in the picture -

Thats all of this months new cheats, but the catalog does have some cool items. Let us know what you think of these items.

- Dj Wazzer, Club Penguin Agents author

Field Ops #63

Hey Penguins!

Agents should report to the EPF Command Room to receive some new orders from G.

Here are this weeks orders -

G wants agents to scan the ocean for any unusual signals. He wants us to sweep the shore and report back.

The location of this weeks Field Op is at the Beach -

 Stand by the edge of the sea. Your Spy Phone will then flash. Click on it and you will be able to play this weeks mini-game.

For this weeks mini-game, agents have to break the code. You have to scan the symbols until you find the correct combination -

Click on the circles to input a shape. When you have four shapes in each column of circles, click 'Scan'. If the circles turn red, then that shape is not in the combination. If the circles turn yellow, then the shapes are in the combination but not in the correct place. If the circles turn green, then that means they are in the correct place.

When you complete this weeks Field Op, you will earn a medal.

- Dj Wazzer, Club Penguin Agents author