Club Penguin Card-Jitsu Handbook Now Unlockable

Hello Penguins!
After, Club Penguin has released there new book called: Card-Jitsu Handbook. You can now unlock it online at Club Penguin!
In order to unlock this book, you must buy the book and answer the question Club Penguin has given you. Sense this book can be unlocked now, have you unlocked the book yet? Leave a comment below!
-King Boo8884 Club Penguin Agents Author

Club Penguin Times Issue #310

Hello Penguins! June17 here!

Today, we have a new issue of the Club Penguin Times. This week's main story is talking about the "Bumper Cars" track in the Stadium, followed by big news for Puffles, and then our upcoming events. Lets get started!

Grab yourself a Bumper Car from the Gift Shop because you're gonna need it, in the all new Bumper Cars track in the Stadium, exclusive only in the Fair! Many penguins are rushing towards the Stadium to get in the action! Even Rockhopper was spotted in the crowd! Be warned, RH only stops for Puffles!! Get in the action, before it's too late! Fair ends on October 5th.
Puffles are in for a big treat! PH, the Puffle Handler has been spotted carrying boxes into the Pet Shop! One news reporter got to talk with PH. She said she's preparing something for the Puffle Catalog. Can it be the Puffle hats we all been hearing about? Maybe! Stay tuned next week for more details!Now we move on to the upcoming events! Here they are:

Starting Now: New Prizes!

October 6: Penguin Style Catalog and Big Plans for Puffles Announced

October 13: Better Igloos Catalog
What do you think of this week's newspaper? Tell us in the comments!

-June17, Club Penguin Agents Author

Field Op #49

Hey Penguins!

Its been a while since agents last had a Field Op mission, but today G has some new orders for all agents. To find out what these orders are, go to the EPF Command Room.

Here are this weeks orders -

Agents have to find the Club Penguin Times Archives and try and break into the security system.

The location of the Field Op is in the Boiler Room. Stand next to the green filing cabinate -

When you stand here, your Spy Phone will flash. Click on it and you will be able to play the mini-game -

Match the data with the firewall to break through. All you have to do is match the images. Use your arrow keys to move left or right -

When you complete the mini-game, you will earn a medal. Are you glad that Field Ops have returned? Let us know by sending a comment.

- Dj Wazzer, Club Penguin Agents author

Special Update from Billybob

Hey Penguins!

Billybob has posted a new message on the Club Penguin Community Blog. There is a video which tells us about things to come in the next few months. Here's what Billybob has to say -
Hello Penguins!

I'm really excited about the next few months in Club Penguin. The team has been working really hard behind the scenes to create some brand new stuff for you... and it's all starting in October! 

Tonight we're doing some major updates to get the servers ready for some HUGE stuff. As I mentioned last week, sometimes when we do major updates, we end up with some bugs to squash. As always, let us know if you find any, and the team will do their best to squash them as soon as possible! 

Instead of writing about the brand new stuff, I thought I'd tell you about it in a video instead:

Let us know what you think in the comments below!

Until then... Waddle On!

Some of the things to come are so cool! I can't wait for Puffle Hats! It will be fun to dress up our Puffles! Let us know what your looking forward to in the next few months.

- Dj Wazzer, Club Penguin Agents author

New Items At The Prize Booths!

Hey Penguins!

Today, the prize booths were updated with some cool new items! -

Non-Member Prize Booth -

The new items added to the booth are -
  • Ice Cream Cone Hat
  • Balloon Hat
Member Prize Booth - 

The new items added to the booth are -
  • Yellow Balloon
  • Unicycle
  • Ice Cream Cone
I think these new items are cool! My favorite item is the Unicycle! Let us know which item you like best.

- Dj Wazzer, Club Penguin Agents author

The Fair Prize Booth Update!

Greetings Penguins!
 Happy77 here. Have you had a chance to earn all the prizes at the Fair yet? The team's getting ready to launch an update to the Prize Booth with more prizes to win! They should be available tomorrow, and I think you'll like what they've made for you! Here's a sneak peek pic:

I'm curious... what's your favorite prize item? Share your thoughts in the comments. I'd love to hear what you think. :) It's great to here from Happy77 again, and I can't wait until this Thursday to play for new Fall Fair prizes! Are you excited about the new items coming to soon the Fall Fair? Sent us a comment below!
 -King Boo8884 Club Penguin Agents author

EPF Message From G

Hey Penguins!

It's been a while since agent were last sent a message, but today G has sent agents a new message on the Spy Phone -

The message says - "Hello everyone! Our Communication system is finally secure again. Agents - report for new Field-Op training, and keep an eye on Herbert."

Field Ops are returning! It's been a while since we last had a Field Op, are you glad that we will be able to do Field Ops again? Send us a comment and let us know!

- Dj Wazzer, Club Penguin Agents author

Ultimate Rockhopper Tracker September 2011

Rockhopper is back on Club Penguin and we here at Club Penguin Agents are ready to track him down! But don't worry, we won't hurt him when we find him... We'll just get his autograph.

This year I am teaming up with 3 of my friends to make the best Rockhopper tracker you'll find! Those 3 penguins are Gokhan137, Josh29, and A11766! We will be each tracking using the TrackingPenguinsCP chat group. We will be sharing the chat which you will help us track on! Once the location of Rockhopper has been found, I will update the tracker below.
***Make sure to refresh the tracker every few seconds for better results***

Sometimes I will be at school, or busy, and won't be available to update the tracker. It may be being updated by another person (Gokhan, A11766, or Josh) but if not, make sure to pay close attention to the chat - somebody may say the location of Rockhopper!

Here is the Rockhopper Tracking chat:

When tracking Rockhopper, remember to follow these rules:
-No posting links AT ALL!
-No spamming/smiley spam
-No asking to be mod/owner
-No saying fake locations. This will result in a forever ban.
-Do not chat, just track! This is a chat box made for tracking only.
-No bad language/inappropriate language
-Don't shout "WHERE IS ROCKHOPPER??". We're all looking.
-Have fun tracking!

More Rockhopper tracking tips will be posted once we know more about his server/room trends.

Rockhopper's New Playercard:


New Theme - Pros & Cons! You Decide!

As you can see, I have given the blog a totally NEW and original look. There is no Club Penguin blog in the world that looks like this, but that's what I always aim for. I asked my Twitter friends what they thought, and got about half "yays" and half "nays".

Let's take the time to think about the pros and cons (positives and negatives) about the new theme.

-Totally original!
-No header, so the posts appear higher on the page
-Loads faster **for most computers**

-No header! Some people want that header!
-Not blue! Some people prefer blue themes.
-Too many colours! Some think the colours clash with eachother.

Have a pro or con to add to the list? Comment!

There are also a few things I'd like YOU to help decide on!

You Decide Questions

On this theme, there will be 10 posts per page, each with "read more >>" buttons. OR I can have only 1 to 2 posts on each page, but without the "read more >>" buttons! You decide! Comment with your answer!
Update: There are now 2 FULL posts per page! Thanks for your thoughts!

Currently on this theme, the post area is light yellow. OR I can change it to light blue and the background can be light yellow! You decide! Comment with your answer!

But there's one question I really want you all to answer...

Comment with your answers. Be polite, I WILL listen!


Hidden Items at the Prize Booth!

Hello penguins!

I have just found two hidden items in the prize booths thanks to my friend KingBoo8884! In the members only prize booth you can find the turtle plush and red balloon.
Click on the circled flags in the image above for these items!

Wow! I think it's great that Club Penguin is now hiding items in the prize booths. What are your thoughts?


The Fair Walkthrough

Hello penguins!

Yup, you've guessed correctly... This year's Fall Fair is here! Or, should I call it, "The Fair"? Yes, rumours say that Club Penguin has changed it to The Fair because it is not fall all around the world! Fair enough... Let's begin!

New Pin - Milkshake Pin

Hey Penguins!

A new pin can now been found on the island. Here is how to find the Milkshake Pin -

Rockhopper Returns To The Island!

Hey Penguins!

Rockhopper has returned for the Fall Fair and has some new items for sale!

Club Penguin - Foreign Server Pin Glitches

Hey penguins!

Today, my friend Trainman1405 spotted a very interesting, and odd glitch. This glitch only works on FOREIGN servers.

Membership Giveaway

The Club Penguin Membership code has been won by Crazyp01. Congratulations!
Thank you Andy The Lego for donating this code!

Birthday Bash TOMORROW - Code Contest CLOSING SOON!

Woot woot! Okay, so yesterday was my real birthday, right? Yes. That's right! Which means, my 3rd annual Birthday Bash party is in tomorrow! Hip hip hooray!!

Click here for details! Click HERE for donuts! 

2 Fall Fair Sneak Peek Videos!

Today a new video has been posted on Club Penguin's official YouTube channel. It is a sneak peek to the Fall Fair! Take a look at the video...

Fall Fair Preperations Begin!

Hey Penguins!

Construction for the upcoming Fall Fair has now started. Head over to the Beach, where you will find some boxes with decorations in -

Fairy Fables Returns To The Stage!

Hey Penguins!

Fairy Fables has returned to the stage! This play is based on a story, which you can read at the stage, as well as reading the script.

Membership Page Updated - September 2011

Hey Penguins!

The membership page has been updated with a list of stuff that is happening on Club Penguin this month -

Birthday Bash SOON!

Slidoo's 3rd annual Birthday Bash party is in only 2 days! My real birthday is tomorrow!


If you have any birthday cards, you can either comment with them or tweet them to me, @itsSlidoo!

I hope to see you at the party!


Reviewed by You: Puffle Launch Tricks

Hey Penguins!

Last week the Club Penguin team wanted to know all about apps and what sort of app you would make. Here's what Ruby72527 said -
Well... If I were to make my own app it will be about like a detective solving games. So there would be like little hidden notes or fingerprints on the screen. You'll also get to design your detective. Also there will be some training for your detective to unlock levels, the training levels are like little mini games.
P.S. Waddle on CP!!!!

The Puffle Launch app will be released on September 15th, so the Club Penguin Team want to know What advice would you give someone who hasn't played Puffle Launch before?

- Dj Wazzer, Club Penguin Agents author

Membership Page Outdated?

Hey penguins!

Recently, I was checking the Club Penguin blog for any updates, and I noticed something about odd. If you go to the membership page, you'll notice the info about membership in the "What's New" section is old!

September 2011 Better Igloos Cheats

If you are a member then you should go visit your igloo and purchase some new Better Igloos furniture! The new catalog is out with lots of new items and several hidden items. Let's begin!

New Pin - Balloon Bunch Pin

Hey Penguins!

Today, a new pin was released. Here is how to find the Balloon Bunch Pin -

1. Click on your map and go to the Forest
2. Walk over to the ballons, when it asks if you would like to pick up the pin, click 'yes'
3. You will now have the Balloon Bunch Pin

- Dj Wazzer, Club Penguin Agents author

Club Penguin App Announcement!

Hey Penguins!

On the Club Penguin Community Blog, Billybob has posted some more information about the upcoming Club Penguin app. The app will be a Puffle Launch app. Here's what Billybob has said - 

Free NEW Hoodie Code!

Today my friend Timmy6118 showed me something VERY cool! If you go to the unlock items online page in Club Penguin, and type in the code "FREEHOOD", you will get this super cool hoodie that isn't in ANY other catalogs or Treasure Books.
This is VERY cool! Thank you Timmy for showing me this exclusive! I bet I will soon see a lot of penguins wearing this hoodie! It's nice that Club Penguin is letting non members wear cool outfits like this, even if they haven't purchased any Coin Codes.


Slidoo's 3rd Annual Birthday Bash!

For more than 2 years, I have been blogging about Club Penguin. Frequently, I have had many parties every year... But there's always one party I'm most looking forward to: my annual Birthday Bash party! 

Two years ago I hosted my first ever Birthday Bash - 6 penguins came. For a starter, that was very good.

Last year, I hosted my second Birthday Bash - the room was full.

THIS year, I am here to host my THIRD ANNUAL Birthday Bash party... And YOU are invited!
As always, I am hosting my Birthday Bash in my FAVOURITE place in Club Penguin... Northern Lights, Lodge Attic! The party is at 10:00 AM PST, on September 17th. The real date of my birthday is September 15th, but that is a Thursday.

If you have a Twitter account, you will want to become a VIP to the party! VIPs have a better chance of being added... If you'd like to become a VIP, click here. The party will be the best party I have ever hosted (hopefully) and it'd be great if you could come, and tell your friends!

Psst... Just like always... if the room is full when I try to come in for the first time, there WILL be a giveaway! I hope to see you there!


Penguin Style September 2011 Cheats

Today Club Penguin's new issue of the Penguin Style catalog has been released! If you want to wear clothes that are IN STYLE on Club Penguin, then head on over to the Gift Shop and check out this new catalog.
Okay... that cover is really strange! Remember, this month's catalog will contain weird stuff! The Fall Fair is coming up this September! Let's begin with the cheats:
Click on the green triangle decoration for the Blue Duck!
Click on the top of the mountain and you will be able to purchase the Green Wheeler!

Those are all the new hidden item cheats for this month's catalog. I think that this catalog is really cool! I love the 2 car costumes that we can purchase! What are your favourite items?


Herbert Cam!

Hey Penguins!

Operation: Hibernation is now over, and agents successfully completed the mission. Agents can now go to the EPF Command Room and watch Herbert from the camera.

Go to the EPF Command Room and click on this icon -

When you click on the icon, the screen will look like this -

Do you think Herbert will stay in Hibernation for long, or might he wake up earlier than expected...? Let us know what you think, by sending us a comment!

- Dj Wazzer, Club Penguin Agents author